7 Habits for perfect skin

First of all, if you have a major skin problem check with your doctor, these tips are in general that might help you get a perfect skin

1. Work out

Let the stress go out and your body will be able to breath

2. Wash your face Twice a day

Nuxe products are really good

3. Use a Toner

Toner will help clearing your skin, u can apply normal Rose water it can work really good on your face and body

4. Sun Cream

Apply light one so it wont be heavy on your face, use it daily even in winter! sebamed suncream is good

5. Eat well

Say NO to fried food , have a meal that contain fruits , eat alot of carrots its good for your skin

6. Drink water

drink as much as you can

7. Go easy on MAKEUP


Source: www.totalbeauty.com

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